Poster Hanging

The Arts Council offers a community Postering Service for businesses and organizations offering events and activities happening in town.

$40 for 40 basic posters (8.5x11") OR for 10 oversized posters (anything larger than 8.5x11") and 30 basic posters. For an additional $10, we'll pick up your posters from Capital Copy (see below for more information).

Tips for Posters:

  • Double check your event dates, start times and contact info before printing.
  • Bring your posters to us 2-3 weeks before your event.
  • Check out our poster route online. Please know that some locations have stipulations, or take down posters after they have been up a certain amount of time.
  • If your budget allows, considering doing 2 postering runs, spaced every 2-3 weeks.

Please deliver your posters to the JACC on Tuesday no later than noon. Posters are then distributed around town over the next two days. You can print your posters at Capital Copy and we'll pick them up for an additional fee - just make sure to ask them to put your posters in the JAHC box.

Here is the poster board list* although not every location is open and accepting posters at this time.
*if you know of new or defunct public bulletin boards, please let us know by calling 586-ARTS (2787) or emailing so that we all have the most accurate list of community poster boards in Juneau.


Check out everything going Virtual Poster Board! You can scroll up and down in the contained window, and click each card to pop it out and learn more information. Events are organized by date. If you'd like to add your poster to the board, click the button above "Form for Virtual Poster Board."


Add your event to the

Community Calendar >>


We do our best to maintain a comprehensive calendar of all events in the community, not just the arts events.

Events held in the JACC, promoted on posters we hang, and ticketed through the Box Office automatically are mentioned in the weekly Arts Up! Update on KTOO and KXLL. No charge - just part of the services your local arts council provides to the community.

More questions? Contact