Wearable Art Extravaganza "Reflections"

"Southeast Struggle" Michelle Morris

Southeast Struggle by Michelle Morris Wearable Art “Juxtaposition” 2015

Wearable Art Extravaganza
February 13 and 14, 2016, Centennial Hall.
This year’s theme for Wearable Art, offered as inspiration, is “Reflections.” Picking the theme is always very difficult – one day crossing the bridge, the Channel was very still and the mountains reflected in it perfectly, and I got to thinking that reflections can go in many directions – mirror images, contemplation, harmony – and so might be an open and inspiring theme. I suggested this to Flordelino Lagundino when we were talking about him being the director, and he quoted a line from a play he is in in Ashland “Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land” by Stan Lai:

How still. Never has Shanghai been so still. We are the only two people in Shanghai tonight. The rain, so fresh. There’s a trace of something indescribable in the air.
Jiang, look at the lights in the water.
Like reflections in a dream.
Everything is suspended.
Everything IS suspended.
The night, the moon, the street lamps, the swing, you and I, everything is suspended.

And our season artwork this year by Timi Johnson is “Reflections on Sailing.” It just all came together.
Tickets will go on sale November 1 to $500+ donors, December 1 to JAHC members, and January 15 to the general public.
Artist applications will be available online soon, and will be due December 15 by 5 pm.